What we do

Boating: Naturally we’re all freemasons but the other thing we’ve all got in common is a love of the sea, sailing and even motor boats. Interests are varied and if you dig beneath the surface you’ll find there’s a wealth of experience amongst the members of the lodge. It always makes for an interesting conversation, especially after a few glasses of wine…

Meetings:  We take pride in our masonic meetings and although we’re a rather new lodge we’re well on the way towards developing our own, unique characteristics, which make it an interesting lodge to visit. With a promising  pipeline of initiates there’s been plenty of ceremonies to perform so far.

Charity: In true masonic form we do raise considerable amounts for charity and like to support local ones and those that are associated with the sea. Some examples are Cowes & Lymington Sailability, Portsmouth Sailing Trust and Wetwheels.

Fun: We do like to enjoy ourselves as well! Many of the meetings are held in yacht clubs so the standard of catering is usually quite high. Many of the meetings are held over a weekend with many members staying on thier boats so there’s plenty of opportunity to socialise, and we do!

Who We Are:

Spinnaker Lodge is a friendly and varied group who like to enjoy themselves. Currently the Principal Officers of the lodge are:

Worshipful Master – Bryan Aitkinhead

Bryan lives in the Gosport area and is a keen member of Hardway Sailing Club, along with several other members of the lodge

Immediate Past Master – Colin Ennis

Colin started sailing as a young boy and hasn’t stopped racing and cruising since then. Naturally, he joined Spinnaker lodge, where he can indulge in both freemasonry and sailing together.

Director of Ceremonies – Peter Hoskins

Peter was Master in 2021 and has now taken over this important role as well as being Preceptor for the LOI

Our Secretary – Frank Milner


Frank is well known as the former Provincial Grand Secretary, he also has quite a reputation for singing the Masters Song amongst other ditties…

The meetings planned for 2023

Wednesday 25th January – Pheonix Lodge Rooms, Portsmouth

Saturday 22th April – Medina Lodge, Cowes

Saturday 24th June – Lymington Masonic Hall

Saturday 9th September – TBA

Wednesday 29th November – Installation meeting, Gosport Masonic Hall

If you want to join in;

Visitors are always welcome, especially on the installation night in Gosport where we usually have plenty of company. If you know one our members that’s fine, if not contact the secretary for details by email, his address is: secretary@spinnaker9932.com

Joining Members are equally welcome; as a new lodge we’ve all joined relatively recently. Again, if you don’t know a member to introduce you, contact the secretary.

If you think you’d like to become a mason and would like to see what’s involved make contact with the secretary and we’d be pleased to explain what’s involved. Either contact him by email or use the contact form on this page: How to join